Thursday, August 18, 2011

Learning Object Repositories (LORs)

Learning Object Repositories (LORs) are the secret weapon of many faculty online course developers who need to develop a course fast and then consider self-produced enhancements and alternatives later, after the wheel is turning. (In fact, a learning object developer might consider contribution to the repository!) LORs like MERLOT offer a repository stocked full of peer-reviewed "learning objects" (typically interactive multimedia "objects" like instructional video or a flash-based assessment tool, among myriad others with new technology spawning rapid evolution) that can be used by anyone who has a need for the content! Many are officially LORs in their primary mission, but some, like YouTube or i-Tunes U offer a wealth of learning object resources as well. Those LORs like MERLOT which offer peer-reviewed content are especially valuable when one considers the need for application of theories of instructional design.

Check out the lists on the links bar! I apologize for numerous broken links on that directory, but don't want to take the list down because some of them ARE good resources and work well. Those who teach in science, math, economics, accounting or business will be especially interested in the Khan Academy, a surprising free repository with an interesting history and a lot of attention on the national e-learning landscape!

ATTENTION to e-LEARNING ADVENTURERS: MERLOT is recruiting peer reviewers and is registering folks for GRAPE camp, an online training series that prepares participants to serve as content peer reviewers. Join the fun and then let's talk as a group! Please let me know if you take this training through MERLOT! (We hope to offer similar peer review certification training on campus which will be designed just for AAMU faculty and course developers.)

In the meantime, we know that there is content out there for our use which already complies with principles of sound pedagogy/andragogy, accessibility and accreditation guidelines and technological reliability for the learner. I hope that you will help me enhance our list of resources! Please send me your finds!

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